Studying abroad in Spain is sure to be an unforgettable experience, with so much to learn about the rich culture, language, and, of course, the people. Spain is a popular destination for study abroad students for many reasons — there is something for everyone. No matter your experience you’ll be sure to grow as a person and develop skills that will benefit you for years to come.

The most common mistake people can make studying abroad in Spain is to limit their social circles to solely people from their home country or school. If you don’t learn about the people who live there and don’t develop connections with locals you’ll have never really learned anything meaningful about that place. It can be difficult to break into Spanish social circles, but people are more than willing to share their culture and their experiences with you.

Study abroad is meant to challenge you and take you out of your comfort zone. Participate in events at your Spanish university, chat to people at bars, attend social events put on by your study abroad provider, or join a language exchange group. An easy way to meet locals and students from countries other than your own is to share accommodation with them. If your program offers a home stay option, that is by far the best way to meet local Spaniards and also learn the language. 

Fear is your biggest enemy while studying abroad. It is too easy to go the comfortable and safe route and never take any big risks, but if you want the most out of your experience you need to leave fear behind. Living and studying in Spain is the best way to improve your command of the Spanish language. Even if you only have a low level you shouldn’t be afraid to use what you know in day-to-day interactions.

Studying abroad not only looks amazing on your résumé or CV, but it provides you with invaluable life skills. However, if you’re ever asked about your experience abroad and all you have to say is you traveled won’t end up looking as impressive. Challenging yourself abroad will make the overall experience much more fulfilling and could elevate your time from being just any other holiday to something that improved your character or changed your life.

Categories: Education


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